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Final cleaning of the rented flat
When the lease agreement expires, you are required to return the premises to the LANDLORD clean and in a non-deteriorated ...

What is an occasional lease?
An occasional lease of the premises has been described in articles 19a – 19e of the Act of June 21, ...

Flat handover guidance to all To Be Rent clients (COVID)
The safety and well-being of our employees and clients has always been our highest priority, and we have issued guidance ...

BUY Civil liability insurance for TENANT To Be Rent
Tenant’s rental liability (pl. OC w życiu prywatnym dla Najemcy) is a civil liability for damages caused to third parties ...

Registration of a foreigner for a temporary stay in a rented apartment
There is a registration requirement in Poland, which covers both Polish citizens and foreigners.In accordance with art. 28 section 4 ...

What is a PESEL number? Obtain a pesel number
A PESEL number is the person’s identification number.It is widely used in contacts with various institutions and in legal circulation, ...

Rental cost – Do you want to know what will you pay for during your rental period?
During your rental period you will have to pay for: Rent: monthly charge you pay it directly to the landlord ...

Is the Date of Signing the Lease Agreement the Same as the Lease Start Date? We Explain the Differences and Their Significance
Signing a rental agreement for an apartment or other property is a key moment for both the tenant and the ...